Sankara Raman, S; Nampoori, V P N; Vallabhan, C P G; Ambadas, G; Sugunan, S(American Institute of Physics, 1995)
The thermal diffusivity of y-alumina is determined by the photoacoustic method. The method is
calibrated by determining the thermal diffusivity of copper and aluminum. The effect of the
chemisorbed hydroxyl groups or thermal diffusivity is studied by degassing the sample at different
Sugunan, S; Suja, H; Sanjay, G; Joseph, L K; Nampoori, V P N; Radhakrishnan, P(Taylor & Francis, April 1, 2009)
Thermal diffusivity (TD) measurements were performed on some industrially
important dyes – auramine O (AO), malachite green and methylene blue (MB) –
adsorbed K-10 montmorillonites using photoacoustic method. The TD value for
the dye-adsorbed clay mineral was observed to change with a variation in dye
concentration. The contribution of the dye towards TD was also determined. The
repeatedly adsorbed samples with MB and AO exhibited a lower TD than the
single-adsorbed samples. TD values of sintered MB samples were also obtained
experimentally. These sintered samples exhibit a higher TD, although they show
a trend similar to that of non-sintered pellets. A variation in dye concentration
and sintering temperature can be used for tuning the TD value of the clay mineral
to the desired level
Philosophical Magazine
Vol. 89, No. 10, 1 April 2009, 895–905