Sugunan, S; Seena, Kumaree C R(Indian Journal of Chemistry, November , 1999)
The changes in surface acidity/basicity and catalytic activity of cerium oxide due to surface modification by sulphate ion have been
investigated. Electron donor properties of both the modified and unmodified oxides have been studied using electron acceptors of
various electron affinity values, viz. 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane, 2,3,5,6-tetrachloro--l, 4-benzoquinone. p-dinitrobenzene and
m-dinitrobenzene in order to find out whether the increase in acidity on suphation is due to the generation of new acidic sites or they are
formed at the expense of some of the basic sites. The surface acidity/basicity has been determined using a set of Hammett indicators.
The data have been correlated with the catalytic activity of the oxides for esterification of acetic acid using l-butanol, reduction of
cyclohexanone with 2- propanol and oxidation of cyclohexanol using benzophenone.
Sugunan, S; Jalaja, J M(Indian Journal of Chemistry, March , 1995)
The electron donating properties of Ce02 and its mixed
oxides with alumina have been determined from the studies
of adsorption of electron acceptors of various electron
affinities on the surface of these oxides. The catalytic
activity of these oxides towards some reactions such as
oxidation of alcohols and reduction of ketones have been
Correlated with their surface electrondonor properties. The
surface acidity/basicity of these oxides have also been
determined by titration method using a set of Hammett