Sugunan, S; Kumaree Seena, C R(Indian Journal of Chemistry, May , 1998)
We have investigated the changes in surface acidity/basicity
and catalytic pro~erties of samarium oxide due to surface modification
by SO42- ion. The acidity/basicity of the catalysts is
determined by titration method using Hammett indicators.
Esterification of acetic acid by n-butanol is chosen as a test
reaction. Sm203, owing to its high basicity and low acidity, does
not catalyze the reaction. But sulphated Sm20J catalyzes the
esterification reaction effectively. Activation temperature does
not have much effect on the acidity of sulphated samaria.
Sugunan, S; Binsy, Varghese(Indian Journal of Chemistry, September , 1998)
The electron donating properties, surface acidity/ basicity and catalytic activity of cerium - zirconium mixed
oxides at various compositions have been reported at an activation temperature of 500 degree C. The catalytic activity
for the esterification of acetic acid with n-butanol has heen correlated with electron donating properties and
surface acidity/basicity of the oxides.