Sugunan, S; Rahna, K S(Indian Journal of Chemistry, July , 2002)
The incorporation of transition metal oxide pillars such as those of iron and chromium along with Al2O3, pillars within
the interlayers of a montmorillonite clay is investigated. The surface acidity of these catalysts has been evaluated for the first
time employing the equilibrium adsorption of an electron donor, perylene, and the results are compared with those obtained
by temperature programmed desorption of ammonia. The principle is based on the ability of a catalyst surface site to accept
a single electron from an electron donor like perylene to form charge transfer complexes and the amount of adsorbed species
is measured quantitatively by UV-vis spectroscopy. Fina1ly, an attempt has been made to correlate the acidity determined by
the two independcnt methods and the catalytic activity of present systems in the benzoylation of toluene with benzoyl
chloride. Incorporation of Fe and Cr has changed the properties of AI pitlared montmorillonite. Fe pillared systems have
been found to be vcry good catalysts for benzoylation reaction
Sugunan, S; Kumaree Seena, C R(Indian Journal of Chemistry, May , 1998)
We have investigated the changes in surface acidity/basicity
and catalytic pro~erties of samarium oxide due to surface modification
by SO42- ion. The acidity/basicity of the catalysts is
determined by titration method using Hammett indicators.
Esterification of acetic acid by n-butanol is chosen as a test
reaction. Sm203, owing to its high basicity and low acidity, does
not catalyze the reaction. But sulphated Sm20J catalyzes the
esterification reaction effectively. Activation temperature does
not have much effect on the acidity of sulphated samaria.
Sugunan, S; Anto, Paul(Indian Journal of Chemistry, April , 1997)
The surface acidity/basicity of binary oxides of Zr and La and the ternary oxides of Zr, La and Al are
reported. The data have been correlated with their catalytic activity towards liquid phase reduction of
Sugunan, S; Bindhu, Jacob(Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, June , 1997)
The surface acidity and basicity of ternary oxides of
AI, Ce and Dy have been determined using a set of
Hammett indicators. The data have been correlated
with the catalytic activity of these oxides towards the
liquid phase reduction of cyclohexanone in 2-propanol.
The reaction is favoured by the higher basicity of
the ternary oxide.
Sugunan, S; Ampili, S; Bindhu, Jacob; Rani, Varghese(Indian Journal of Chemistry, February , 1996)
The surface acidity and basicity of ternary oxides of
La, Ce and AI have been determined using a set of
Hammett indicators. The data have been correlated
with the catalytic activity of these oxides towards the
liquid phase reduction of cycIohexanone in 2-propanol.
Sugunan, S; Sunitha, Kurur; Anto, Paul(Indian Journal of Chemistry, December , 1994)
The surface acidity and basicity of oxides of Sm and Zr
and their mixed oxides have been determined using a set of
Hammett indicators. The data have been correlated with
the catalytic activity of these oxides towards the liquid
phase reduction of cyclo-hexanone in 2-propanol.
Sugunan, S; Devika Rani, G; Unnikrishnan, P A(Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, October , 1995)
Acid/base strength distribution of Y2O3 and its mixed
oxides with alumina catalysts are measured on Hammett
acidity function scale and expressed in terms of H0max
value. Basicity of Y2O3 increases with increase in activation
temperature and for mixed oxides the basicity increases
with increase in concentration of Y2O3, in the catalyst.
Sugunan, S; Sherly, K B; Devika Rani, G(React. Kinet.Catal.Lett., 1993)
The limit of electron transfer in electron affinity from
the oxide surface to the electron acceptor (EA) are reported
from the adsorption of EA on DY203, mixed oxides
of DY203 with alumina and mixed oxides of Y203 with y-alumina.
The extent of electron transfer is understood
from magnetic measurements.
Sugunan, S; Binsy, Varghese(Indian Journal of Chemistry, September , 1998)
The electron donating properties, surface acidity/ basicity and catalytic activity of cerium - zirconium mixed
oxides at various compositions have been reported at an activation temperature of 500 degree C. The catalytic activity
for the esterification of acetic acid with n-butanol has heen correlated with electron donating properties and
surface acidity/basicity of the oxides.
The electron donating properties, surface acidity/basicity and catalytic activity of lanthana for various dopant concentrations of strontium are reported at two activation temperatures. The catalytic activity has been correlated with electron donating properties and surface acidity/basicity of the oxide.
Ferrospinels of nickel, cobalt and copper and their sulphated analogues were prepared by the room temperature coprecipitation
route to yield samples with high surface areas. The intrinsic acidity among the ferrites was found to decrease in
the order: cobalt> nickel> copper. Sulphation caused an increase in the number of weak and medium strong acid sites,
whereas the strong acid sites were left unaffected. Electron donor studies revealed that copper ferrite has both the highest
proportion of strong sites and the lowest proportion of weak basic sites. All the ferrite samples proved to be good catalysts
for the benzoy lation of toluene with benzoyl chloride. copper and cobalt ferrites being much more active than nickel ferrite.
The catalytic activity for benzoylation was not much influenced by sulphation, but it increased remarkably with calcination
temperature of the catalyst. Surface Lewis acid sites, provided by the octahedral cations on the spinel surface, are suggested
to be responsible for the catalytic activity for the benzoylation reaction.
Smitha, V K; Suja, H; Joyce, Jacob; Sugunan, S(Indian Journal of Chemistry, February , 2003)
Preparation and physico-chemical characterization or
phosphate modified zirconia systems and their application to
Friedel-Crafts benzylation and benzoylation of toluene have been
reported. The influence of transition metals on the surface
properties and catalytic activity has also been discussed.
Sugunan, S; Renuka, N K(Indian Journal of Chemistry, February , 2002)
Sm2O3 - vanadia catalysts have been prepared by wet
impregnation method using NH4VO3 solution. The surface
properties of the prepared catalysts have been studied using FTIR.
XRD. surface area and pore volume data. The acid-base properties
of the system have been investigated by titrimetric method using
Hammett indicators. adsorption of electron acceptors as well as
decomposition of cyclohexanol. Phenol alkylation reaction by
methanol has been carried out to investigate the catalytic activity.
It has been observed that the selectivity of the products depends
upon the composition of the supported system
Iron pillared Montmorillonite has been synthesised and it is then wet impregnated with vanadia with different vanadia
composition. These catalysts are characterised using conventional techniques such as XRD analysis,FTIR analysis and
surface area and pore volume measurements. Acidity is measured using spectrophotometric monitoring of adsorption of
perylene, thermogravimetric desorption of 2.6 dimethylpyridine and temperature programmed desorption of ammonia.
Activity studies are done in the liquid phase. It has been concluded that Lewis acidic sites are responsible for the benzylation
of toluene when the benzylating agent is benzyl chloride while Bronsted acidic sites are responsible when the reagent is
benzyl alcohol.
Sunajadevi, K R; Sugunan, S(Elsevier, October , 2004)
Chromia loaded sulfated titania has been synthesized via sol–gel route with different chromia loadings. These catalysts are characterized using conventional techniques such as XRD analysis, FTIR analysis, surface area and pore volume measurements, EDX, SEM and UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectral analysis. Acidity is measured using spectrophotometric monitoring of adsorption of perylene, thermogravimetric desorption of 2,6-dimethylpyridine and temperature programmed desorption of ammonia. Activity studies are done in the liquid phase. It has been concluded that Lewis acid sites are responsible for the benzylation of arenes with benzyl chloride.
A series of rare-earth neodymia supported vanadium oxide catalysts with various V205 loadings ranging from 3 to 15 wt.% were prepared
by the wet impregnation method using ammonium metavanadate as the vanadium precursor. The nature of vanadia species formed on the
support surface is characterized hy a series of different physicochemical techniques like X-ray diffraction (XRD). Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR). BET surface area, diffuse reflectance UV-vis spectroscopy (DR UV-vis), thermal analysis (TG-DTG/DTA) and SEM.
The acidity of the prepared systems were verified by the stepwise temperature programmed desorprion of ammonia (NH3-TPD) and found that
the total acidity gets increased with the percentage of vanadia loading. XRD and FT1R results shows the presence of surface dispersed vanadyl
species at lower loadings and the formation of higher vanadate species as the percentage composition of vanadia is increased above 9 wt.%.
The low surface area of the support. calcination temperature and the percentage of vanadia loading are found to influence the formation of
higher vanadia species. The catalytic activity of the V205-Nd203 catalysts was probed in the liquid phase hydroxylation of phenol and the
result show that the present catalysts are active at lower vanadia concentrations.
Bejoy, Thomas; Prathapan, Sreedharan; Sugunan, Sankaran(Elsevier, May , 2005)
The synthesis of dimethyl acetals of carbonyl compounds such as cyclohexanone, acetophenone, and benzophenone has successfully been carried out by the reaction between ketones and methanol using different solid acid catalysts. The strong influence of the textural properties of the catalysts such as acid amount and adsorption properties (surface area and pore volume) determine the catalytic activity. The molecular size of the reactants and products determine the acetalization ability of a particular ketone. The hydrophobicity of the various rare earth exchanged Mg–Y zeolites, K-10 montmorillonite clay, and cerium exchanged montmorillonite (which shows maximum activity) is more determinant than the number of active sites present on the catalyst. The optimum number of acidic sites as well as dehydrating ability of Ce3+-montmorillonite and K-10 montmorillonite clays and various rare earth exchanged Mg–Y zeolites seem to work well in shifting the equilibrium to the product side.
Sugunan, S; Suja, H; Sanjay, G; Joseph, L K; Nampoori, V P N; Radhakrishnan, P(Taylor & Francis, April 1, 2009)
Thermal diffusivity (TD) measurements were performed on some industrially
important dyes – auramine O (AO), malachite green and methylene blue (MB) –
adsorbed K-10 montmorillonites using photoacoustic method. The TD value for
the dye-adsorbed clay mineral was observed to change with a variation in dye
concentration. The contribution of the dye towards TD was also determined. The
repeatedly adsorbed samples with MB and AO exhibited a lower TD than the
single-adsorbed samples. TD values of sintered MB samples were also obtained
experimentally. These sintered samples exhibit a higher TD, although they show
a trend similar to that of non-sintered pellets. A variation in dye concentration
and sintering temperature can be used for tuning the TD value of the clay mineral
to the desired level
Philosophical Magazine
Vol. 89, No. 10, 1 April 2009, 895–905
Sugunan, S; Nampoori, V P N; Radhakrishnan, P; Sanjay, G; Suja, H; Lyjo, Joseph K(Elsevier, June 28, 2008)
Thermal diffusivity (TD) measurement on commercial K-10 and KSF montmorillonites was carried out by
photoacoustic technique. The TD of the montmorillonites after methylene blue adsorption changed with the
dye concentration. The repeatedly adsorbed samples showed a lesser TD than the single adsorbed samples.
After methylene blue adsorption the acid leached K-10 samples showed well defined changes in TD when
compared to the ordered KSF samples