Penaeus monodon larvae can be protected from Vibrio harveyi infection by pre-emptive treatment of a rearing system with antagonistic or non-antagonistic bacterial probiotics

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Penaeus monodon larvae can be protected from Vibrio harveyi infection by pre-emptive treatment of a rearing system with antagonistic or non-antagonistic bacterial probiotics

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Title: Penaeus monodon larvae can be protected from Vibrio harveyi infection by pre-emptive treatment of a rearing system with antagonistic or non-antagonistic bacterial probiotics
Author: Bright Singh, I S; Somnath Pai, S; Anas, A; Jayaprakash, N S; Priyaja, P; Preetha, R; Rosamma, Philip; Mohandas, A; Sreelakshmi, B
Abstract: This study shows that the disease resistance and survival rate of Penaeus monodon in a larval rearing systems can be enhanced by supplementing with antagonistic or non-antagonistic probiotics. The antagonistic mode of action of Pseudomonas MCCB 102 and MCCB 103 against vibrios was demonstrated in larval mesocosm with cultures having su⁄cient concentration of antagonistic compounds in their culture supernatant. Investigations on the antagonistic properties of Bacillus MCCB 101, Pseudomonas MCCB 102 and MCCB 103 and Arthrobacter MCCB 104 against Vibrio harveyi MCCB111under in vitro conditions revealed that Pseudomonas MCCB 102 and MCCB 103 were inhibitory to the pathogen.These inhibitory propertieswere further con¢rmed in the larval rearing systems of P. monodon. All these four probionts signi¢cantly improved larval survival in long-term treatments as well as when challengedwith a pathogenic strain ofV. harveyiMCCB111. We could demonstrate that Pseudomonas MCCB 102 andMCCB103 accorded disease resistance and a higher survival rate in P. monodon larval rearing systems throughactive antagonism of vibrios,whereas Bacillus MCCB 101 and Arthrobacter MCCB 104 functioned as probiotics through immunostimulatory and digestive enzyme-supporting modes of action.
Description: Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, 847-860
Date: 2010

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