Growth enhancement of micro algae, Chaetoceros calcitrans and Nannochloropsis oculata, using selected bacterial strains

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Growth enhancement of micro algae, Chaetoceros calcitrans and Nannochloropsis oculata, using selected bacterial strains

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Title: Growth enhancement of micro algae, Chaetoceros calcitrans and Nannochloropsis oculata, using selected bacterial strains
Author: Hatha, A A M; Mujeeb Rahiman, K M; Jasmine, B; Suresh Kumar,S
Abstract: In natural systems phytoplankton interact with planktonic (free living) and attached epiphytic bacteria both synergistically and antagonistically. The specificity of the association with micro algae and bacteria differs in terms of adhesion mechanisms and metabolic cooperation. Present research was carried out to study the effect of bacterial isolates namely Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. from algal culture systems on the growth of micro algae such as Chaetoceros calcitrans and Nannochloropsis oculata. C. calcitrans (F= 15.34; P<0.05) and N. oculata (F=12.52; P<0.05) showed significantly higher growth, in treatments with Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp when compared to control.
Description: Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(4): 352-359
Date: 2014

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