Vimalkumar, T V; Dr.Vijayakumar, K P(Cochin University of Science & Technology, August , 2011)
In the present work we report the preparation details studies on ZnO thin films. ZnO
thin films are prepared using cost effective deposition technique viz., Chemical Spray
Pyrolysis (CSP). The method is very effective for large area preparation of the ZnO thin
film. A new post-deposition process could also be developed to avoid the adsorption of
oxygen that usually occurs after the spraying process i.e., while cooling. Studies were done
by changing the various deposition parameters for optimizing the properties of ZnO thin
film. Moreover, different methods of doping using various elements are also tried to
enhance the conductivity and transparency of the film to make these suitable for various
optoelectronic applications.
Department of Physics,
Cochin University of Science and Technology