Ramanathan,R; Dr.Sugunan, S(Cochin University of Science and Technology, December , 2006)
Catalysis is a very important process from an industrial point of view since the production of most industrially important chemicals involves catalysis.Solid acid catalysts are appealing since the nature of acid sites is known and their chemical behavior in acid catalyzed reactions can be rationalized by means of existing theories and models. Mixed oxides crystallizing in spinel structure are of special interest because the spinel lattice imparts extra stability to the catalyst under various reaction conditions so that theses systems have sustained activities for longer periods. The thesis entitled" Catalysis By Ferrites And Cobaltites For The Alkylation And Oxidation Of Organic Compounds " presents the preparation ,characterization ,and activity studies of the prepared spinels were modified by incorporating other ions and by changing the stoichiometry.The prepared spinels exhibiting better catalytic activity towards the studied reactions with good product selectivity.Acid-base properties and cation distribution of the spinels were found to control the catalytic activity.
Department of Applied Chemistry,
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Mathew, George; Dr.Anantharaman, M R(Cochin University Of Science And Technology, February 16, 2004)
In the present study, nano particles of NiFe3O4, I_.l()5Feg5O4 and
CoFegO4 are prepared by sol gel method. By appropriate heat treatments,
particles of different grain sizes are obtained. The structural, magnetic and
electrical measurements are evaluated as a function of grain size and
temperature. NiFe3O4 prepared in the ultrafine regime are then incorporated
in nitrile rubber matrix. The incorporation was carried out according to a
specific recipe and for various loadings of magnetic fillers. The cure
characteristics, magnetic properties, electrical properties and mechanical
properties of these elastomer blends are carried out. The electrical
permittivity of all the rubber samples in the X — band are also conducted
Department of Physics
Cochin University of Science & Technology
Veena Gopalan, E; Dr.Anantharaman, M R(Cochin University of Science & Technology, June , 2009)
This thesis lays importance in the preparation and characterization of a
few selected representatives of the ferrite family in the nanoregime. The candidates being manganese zinc ferrite and cobalt ferrite prepared by coprecipitation
and sol-gel combustion techniques respectively. The thesis not only
stresses importance on the preparation techniques and optimization of the reaction
conditions, but emphasizes in investigating the various properties namely
structural, magnetic and electrical. Passivated nickel nanocomposites are
synthesized using polystyrene beads and adopting a novel route of ion exchange
reduction. The structural and magnetic properties of these magnetic
nanocomposites are correlated. The magnetocaloric effect (MCE) exhibited by
these materials are also investigated with a view to finding out the potential of
these materials as magnetic refrigerants. Calculations using numerical methods
are employed to evaluate the entropy change on selected samples.
Department of Physics,
Cochin University of Science & Technology